Sowing for tomorrow's future...Sembrando el futuro
Our donors & Sponsors
"The greatest good is what we do for another"

On behalf of the Network and Latino community we thank our generous Donors, our new sustaining Donors, and amazing Sponsors for their selfless contributions. Without it our annual scholarship banquet and Latinx cultural programs would not be possible. On behalf of our recipients, we are extremely grateful to each of you.

Thank you generous donors
NCHN has been awarding scholarships for over 30+ years. The Network recognizes between 25 to 35 scholars every year. Thank you for helping make the Annual Hispanic Network Scholarship Banquet a success! We have honored the academic success of over 500 students from Napa County and awarded over half a million in scholarships. This was made possible because of the generosity from people in our community.

Where do the donations go?
Donations go directly to our scholarship fund and our community fund to help support Latino Events. Students interested in scholarships must apply during the set application window that usually happens late fall - early spring semester. The community fund is for special request from community organizations looking to provide additional educational opportunities for students countywide.
Your support Changes lives


The Doctor's Company
The Doctors Company is proud to support Napa County Hispanic Network in its efforts toprovidescholarshipstoyouth,andadvocateforcultural,educationalandleadershipopportunities. By partnering with non-profit organizations that are engaged in efforts to create more just, inclusive, and equitable communities, we continue our commitment to address the social determinants of health.

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“I'm a testimonial. Click to edit and add text that says something nice about you and your services. Let your customers review you + tell their friends you're great.”